Dream today to lead tomorrow and build new nepal

Shree Kumar Maharjan (published in Yuwa Awaz)


Meaning of Dream

‘DREAM’ (;kgf in nepali) stands for Discover Realistic, Enthusiastic Ambition in your Mind. It literally means a series of pictures or events in the mind of a person and act or time of seeing this. The person who dreams can be say dreamer. It is not confined to sleeping person. That means a person can dream whenever s/he may not in sleep in daytime, which is called as daydream and daydreamer. That’s why; it is a state of mind without proper perception of reality. It is an ideal aspiration or ambition that leads to vision of a person, if dreamt correctly.

Every person in this world dreams about his/her personal life, life partner, family, society and nation. Everyone is crazy about his/her life in future. So s/he visualizes how s/he would like to be in future. Community and society also visualize how they would like to see their community development in the future and how they as a community can achieve the dream building upon the strengths, skills, assets, and opportunities identified by them in a community and society. Nobody will obstruct anybody in dreaming in life. Person dreams about whatever s/he likes but s/he doesn’t chase it. Whenever somebody asks a little guy about his/her dream in life – what do you want to be in your life? Most of the guys quickly answer – as Doctor, Engineer, Pilot and so on. My question here is that – is every child became a doctor or engineer or pilot as s/he says that they want to be in her/his life. No not at all. The problem behind this is not proper chasing their dreams in life. Otherwise, we will find doctors, engineers, and pilots in every step we walk. There are different causes behind not chasing dreams may be financial problems, family problems and many more. Bearing the fact in mind, should we stop dreaming in our life? No never. Dreaming is continuous process in life. No matter it comes true or not. It is sure and certain that all dreams may not be true. Whenever one dream comes true automatically another dream appears in life.

Dream Thoughts

Whenever we tossed a coin, there is two results either head or tail. Likewise, there are two thoughts of seeing dreams – negative and positive. Negative thoughts says that ;kgf klg slxn] k'/f x'G5 < ;kgf t ;kgf g} xf] ToxL eP/ ;kgf b]Vg' g} a]sf/ 5 . But they are still dreaming about their life. d klg wgL eOlbP x'GYof], d;+u /fdf] a+unf, uf8L / /fdL hLjg;+uLgL eOlbP x'GYof] . What is the cause behind it? One thing is true that is they never give priority to their dreams and they don’t chase their dreams.

Positive thoughts about dream always search for positive imagination towards seeing dreams. ;kgf ;fFrf] x'G5 . To;}n] ;kgf b]Vg' k5{ / d ;w} ;kgf b]V5' . ;kgf b]v]/ dfq x'b}g, ;kgf k"/f ug{ t nIo rflxG5 / ;w}+ Tof] nIo k5\ofO{ /xg' k5{ . Dreams come true. We should have to be optimistic and have passion and never give up chasing it for constructive changes. That’s why, start to dream and practice to chase it for productive changes in life. There is saying that Dream without action is useless, action without dream is time pass, and action with dream can change the world. More correctly, dream with perfect action will obviously change the world. It is more important to chase dreams with perfect action rather than seeing only dreams in life.

One of the political leader said that d sf7df08f}+nfO{ l;+ufk"/ agfO{ lbG5' . it was good dream seen by him and that created positive imagination among the residents of Kathmandu also. But lacking part is perfect action on it. That dream was not pursued by perfect action. S/he did not give precedence to his/her saying. S/he used his/her valuable words for assembling votes only. S/he might initiate for that particular dream but ultimate target was not achieved. His/her action was not perfect in order to achieve that dream. That’s why, we should learn from this example.

Dream and its Impact

Dream plays an important role in life. Dreamless people are visionless in attaining dream goal in life. Dreamless and visionless persons become frustrated and deviated from normal life using different drugs. Most of the youths are sidetracked to such addiction due to lack of vision in life. If all children who dreamt to be doctor, engineer, and pilot chase their dreams with perfect actions their dreams may come true, isn’t it? That’s why; starts to dream from today and chase it with perfect action to make it true and real in tomorrow.

All inventions and innovations we see and use today was dreams, imaginations of someone at sometime. At that time, these inventors and innovators were blamed as mad, foolish, crazy, passionate etc. at that time by society and community. But they never stopped dreaming and chasing their dreams and made the things happen in real world. Today we are utilizing different hi5 utensils and instruments in our daily life like aeroplanes, ships, telephone, washing machines, mobile, freeze etc. All of these were dreams of someone in someone's mind at that time. These instruments are our necessity these days in order to live quality and standard life. At that time some one (i.e., scientists) think about it, dream about it, imagine the society with these equipments and their impact on society and ultimately lead their dreams with perfect action giving priority to their dreams, imagination accordingly. They got success in life and their dreams come true and they revolutionize the society, nation and world. Imagination has such hidden power that can transform the society, world towards betterment.

Organizational Dream

Different organizations also give high value on dreaming in their activities to mobilize community for sustainable development process as a development tool. Those organizations are following Appreciative Inquiry (AI) and Appreciative Participatory Planning and Action (APPA) tools as an important community-mobilizing tool giving high priority on dreaming. In which dream defines what the community sees as the desirable form and characteristics of sustainable development in the future and that records visual image of how sustainable development can be developed and managed in future. In this process, potential dreams are identified through consensus.

Youths’ Dream in Building New Nepal

At present moment, we, Nepalese people are dreaming to build new Nepal and imagining Nepal as Never Ending Prosperity, Achievement and Love. But, we are in confusion; can we make it truly? Obviously, dream as such can't be true; it needs series of actions, directions with vision and imagination. We have different facts, imaginations, and pictures in our mind while dreaming to make new Nepal at present context. The only thing we need is passionate acts that direct us towards our dream with idea, energy and rational use of available resources. For that, it is necessitate for investigating, designing and developing strategy and formulating plan of action and monitoring /evaluation plant we need to.

The term youth is complex to define. I am not sure what constitutes the youth identity. Most of the people have no idea about their transition from childhood to adolescence like the girls of Samoa of the Western Pacific area. Large numbers of people also die in Nepal without ever knowing when they crossed their childhood and became a ‘youth’. Youth as such has neither a borderline nor any provenance. But most of the anthropologist tried to define youth and demarcate it in aged group 15 to 30 years.

Every youth in this world dreams about nice job in reputed organization, attractive salary, beautiful/handsome life partner and happy family with first-class flat in metro-life. The youthful response might be speaking English, watching Hollywood or bollywood movies, partying out, conversant in modern technologies and access to modern amenities such as mobile, TV or the internet. But every youth are not accesses to and cannot achieve these facilities and amenities. In order to achieve this, large mass of youths are going aboard in search of higher degrees, and high-class jobs, since 1816, when nearly 3,000 Nepalis were recruited in the British Indian Gurkha regiments. But everybody going aboard is not satisfied with his or her life. They may not be satisfied with their job and achievement in foreign countries without their family members isn’t it?

Since 1995, the government of Nepal has initiated specific programs to facilitate foreign employment to Nepali youths in order to solve the problem of unemployment. Currently the Ministry labor has also established a cell to facilitate movement of Nepali workers overseas such as Korea. But the government should think, is this a sustainable way to adjust unemployed youths? It is better to utilize these masses in developing own country.

We cannot ignore that the young people have been seeking new statuses and roles today, and this recent wave is gradually constructing a new identity for them. The distinct identity of youths is not based on age or generation in the case of Nepal. It is based on our social context.

In recent years, policymakers and program managers have turned increasing attention to youth — the special needs of adolescents and young adults in today’s world and the special challenges of reaching young people with information and services. One reason for the current focus on youth is the large number of adolescents and young adults in many societies. The rapid growth of youth populations has created pressure to expand education, health, and employment programs aimed at this age group. Policymakers must keep in mind, however, that the period of expansion is short. The Ninth Plan considers the youth population, consisting of 27 percent of the total population, to be a significant component both qualitatively and quantitatively. Thus, the Ninth plan focuses on the youths of Nepal with distinct policies and objective.

Youths have both energy and synergy for development of every nation. So different organizations, political parties give high priority on youths and their involvement in development processes. Youth voices and vision plays significant role in building new Nepal in present context. All the youths have desire to make Nepal prosperous, peace and happy and economically sound, environmentally just. The young people should stand up first and tell others that the time has now come to get rid of the discourse of modernization and this is a process to establish and build humanization and make new Nepal. Refusal of transformation is not a journey back to the past. It is an attempt to envision a future, which is based on the principle of justice, freedom and humanization.

The young population can endorse humanization, compassionate and constructive ways. First of all young bloods should identify the problems inherent in the existing forms of knowledge built and existing systems and then they can oppose against the system and its various aspects, providing alternatives to the universal prospective of social change and evolution. In this whole process, the youths require to expend their hard works in freeing themselves and others from the exploitative clutches of overarching up to date presumptions. Therefore, it is quite necessary to label the new outlook of today's youths to build new Nepal. These youths can scratch their era in a new way as they want. This could be possible by providing recognition, self-respect and dignity to the traditionally humiliated local knowledge and practices.

It’s a time to change the system Nepal and make it new in the sense that after constitutional assembly, all problems seen today should be resolved and no more youths will have to go aboard in search of job and higher degree. For that youths have to play active role in building new constitution for Nepal and fabricating new Nepal with the description and solution of youth issues and problems. All youths must have to think and dream about new constitution, new Nepal and their position and responsibility in it, which ultimately lead to better Nepal and never ending progress on educational system, communication system, electricity and hydropower, fuel and petroleum and traffic management and so on in collaborative, cooperative, participative, democratic, persuasive and inclusive ways and approaches.


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